
last 2 weeks - been running around with big requirements pedalling on mountain bike with bad gears and flat tires to music commitments everywhere, always during these days its been warm like a new universe and been sitting outside chewing gum, reclining at asian noodle restaurants before orchestra and soloist rehearsals. had huge successful trip to adelaide with wedding, wine drinking, beer drinking, night of music and dancing at a basement venue with favourite friends, jamie do and isaac liau long lost comrades drove up in the street suddenly and transported me to oconnel street ice cream place- miraculous when only other option was more walking and trecking much further through the sun in black suit after wedding- long discussions were held in the candy bar- later had a big feast on buxton street with luxurious selections for fine food people, tasting wine, eating with kyle, rach, tim, nuala, more recently saw explosions in the sky in melbourne, had night of cider drinking next day, big christmas party with thunderstorm next day, then more music requirements and days of sitting in city grass fields, working heavily all the time at the tooth clinic and at home absorbing broccoli meals and having to clean up the place for inspection soon

big car

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